Business Essentials – Tamworth & New England

October 2024

Designed to take the business skills of livestock producers to the next level. You will learn how to conduct a detailed business analysis to help drive profit and productivity and to have greater control over your business. An ideal entry point for those considering Benchmarking.

Participants work with their own data, on their own devices to ensure relevance to their business. The program is designed to prepare producers for dealing with accountants, banks, lending institutions and government authorities. It also builds on the knowledge gained in programs such as MLA’s Business EDGE workshop.

Workshop Details

  • Interpret financial statements
  • Calculate your own profit performance
  • Monitor your monthly cashflow
  • Implement your own financial management system


5 group sessions delivered over a 12 month period. 7 – 8 per group with a maximum of 10.


$2615 per business + gst (please note, maximum 2 people per business).

Get in touch

If you would like to do Business Essentials or have a group interested, contact Ellie on 0427 142 623 or email [email protected]

Business Essentials is brought to you by Agrista, supported by MLA through their Profitable Grazing Systems program. 

Register here